Dhobi Ghat

Indian open air laundry

Dhobi Ghat is a 150 year old place in Mumbai where hundreds of washer men collect dirty laundry, wash and return it, neatly ironed, to swank homes of elites living in south Mumbai. It is the worlds largest open air laundry. It’s a fascinating spectacle, looking down on row upon row of open-air concrete wash pens, each fitted with its own flogging stone, while Mumbai’s dhobis (around 200 dhobi families work together here) relentlessly pound the dirt from the city’s garments in a timeless tradition.

We try to capture the feel of this place through these illustrations.

dhobi Ghat - Washing

dhobi Ghat ironing

Dhobi ghat drying

dhobi Ghat - sorting

Dhobi Ghat - rinsing

dhobi Ghat - brushing

dhobi Ghat - porting

dhobi Ghat - washing